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Selectmen's Minutes - February 15, 2000
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2000

Present:        Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones. (Judy Murdoch absent)

7:45 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order

I.      Richard Rosen was present to announce the 125th Anniversary of the Town of Whitman and invited Hanson residents to participate in their parade on June 11, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. as well as a dance on April 1, 2000.

II.     Furnace Issue - Chairman Webster explained that the process in which furnace replacement was handled and stated that he acted upon Town Counsel’s advice when declaring an emergency.   The Board was looking out for the best interest of the Town and requested additional proposal to be sure the Town paid a fair price for the furnaces.  Questions were fielded from the audience.

III.    Plymouth County Hospital - Chief King and Chief Huska were present to discuss the safety issues at the hospital.  Discussed finding the ether and the disposal process.  Board decided to schedule a walk-thru of the property on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 8:00 a.m.  Some of the inventory at the hospital can be use by other departments.  The Town Hall custodian will work on securing the buildings.  Eastern Edison to be notified to turn on the lights around the hospital.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested a possible Earth Day project to clean out the area.  

IV.     Evaluations - Chief King discussed his evaluation and indicated that he was happy with his score which as 34.5.  Dan Webster pointed out that the Chief has been very helpful with the Executive Secretary Search as well as the Hospital.  Members discussed their particular comments on the evaluation.  

        Dan Webster indicated that Barbara Gomez and Carol McCormack would like to meet individually with himself and Cathy Kuchinski to discuss their evaluations.  It was pointed out that the evaluation scores are not directly tied to  a percentage increase.  Other than the Police Chief each employee can get a maximum of 36 points.  Mrs. McCormack average score was 21.7.  Mrs. Gomez’s score was 25.7 and Mr. Germaine’s score was 17.  Merry Scozzari’s score was 28.1.  Discussed evaluation comments and goals and objects.

V.      Barbara Gomez was present to request six hours vacation coverage on        March 24 and 30th.  The coverage is to handle payroll on Mondays.  Total request for the 6 hours is $83.16.  

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Cathy Kuchinski to approve 6 hours vacation coverage request.  Voted 3 - 0 (Peter Jones stepped out during discussion)

VI.     Polling Hours for Presidential Primary - March 7, 2000 from 7:00 a.m. to     8:00 p.m. at the Maquan School.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Cathy Kuchinski to set polling hours as stated.  Voted 3 - 0 (Peter Jones out of room)

VII.    Conservation Commission requested to transfer $915.00 from the NOI account to the expense account.  Cathy Kuchinski also pointed out that Jean Patton and Ann Collins have completed conservation courses at Camp Kiwanee

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve Conservation Commission’s transfer request.  Voted 4 - 0.

VIII.   Plymouth County Reuse Plan Bid - Chairman Webster announced that all the bids were in for the Reuse Plan and all members have had an opportunity to review them.  The Town Planner also reviewed them and indicated in her option VHB most closely resembles the RFP.  

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Peter Jones to award the Reuse Plan bid to VHB in the amount of $25,000.00.  Voted 4 - 0.

IX.     Capital Improvement Plan  - The Board reviewed a draft letter to be sent to Capital Improvement with the Board’s request for items.  Cathy Kuchinski requested that the Factory Pond Dam be added to the letter.

X.      David Hanlon request for additional sick time - Dan Webster indicated that he has spoken to the Police Chief and employees would pay back their sick time.  Peter Jones suggested that the Department head determine which rate the pay back should be accomplished.  

MOTION  by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to grant the 45 day sick leave extension.  Voted 4 - 0.

XI.     One Day Liquor License request  - Hanson Rotary for February 26th at Camp Kiwanee

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney second by Peter Jones to grant one day liquor license.  Voted 4 - 0.

XII     Town Meeting Location - Cathy Kuchinski requested that the Town Meeting be moved back to Indian Head School.  Discussed pros and cons. Will request ADA compliance and availability information.

XIII    McDonalds - Chairman Webster indicated that he has been in contact with a representative of McDonalds regarding the colors of the building.  McDonalds and Board of Appeals can’t come to an agreement on the color choice.  Dan Webster to obtain additional information.

XIV.    Letter of Resignation - Received letter of resignation from Judy Collins as the alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to accept to regretfully accept the resignation and send a letter for thanks.  Voted 4 - 0.

XV      Announcements - Chairman Webster announced that the Board of Health will be conducting a public hearing regarding smoking in food establishments.  Also congratulated Rep. Marini for being MMA legislator of the year.  

Executive Session - Chairman Webster announced that the Board would go into Executive Session under Item #3, collective Bargaining and litigation with non-union personnel.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to enter Executive Session.  Roll call Kuchinski ayes, Webster aye, McSweeney ayes and Jones aye.  Voted 4 - 0.

9:40 p.m. Recessed

11:13 p.m. Reconvened Announced that two votes were taken in Executive Session.  One to ratify the Executive Secretary’s contact and to authorize Town Counsel to file an answer and counterclaim to the Nugent complaint

MOTION by  Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0 to adjourn.

        Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.